Thursday, August 30, 2007

Getting to the first floor

The posts are up & a platform is rapidly getting put down. It's been a very busy past couple of weeks with the posts and beams rapidly being put into place. Exciting, exhausting & exhilirating! Thank you thank you thank you to Pere and Didi for the many many things they've done to make this project possible, RJ for his magic tricks and handyman skills, Jan and Rich who came from Alberta, Cath and Naomi for delivering lunch, Bonnie for cat sitting and costco runs, Joe, Matt, Marc and Doug (go A team!) Lewis for being "snack boy" kevin 'de nugent' for his wiring work and Maddy for taking time from the picket line to help out.

there are lots and lots of new pictures on the photo blog.

- Swim time
- Raising the posts
- Full moon
- Spotting the otter down at the dock
- RJ's magic tricks
- Watching cath Naomi, Didi and Lewis play "Hi Jack"
- Late night "capture the flag"
- Putting on the first plywood for the subfloor
- Bacon and more bacon
- watching the rinfret brothers try and electrocute themselves with a bug zapper
- Maddy's organic nectarines

- RJ's magic tricks

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Saturday, August 25, 2007

the big build!

Incredible progress and some minor setbacks in our summer building project. Check out all the pix in the photo album and more to come. One week left to go!

So many people to thank for all their hard work and good wishes but I'm only in town for the morning and trying to post this before I go hunting and gathering for more supplies. Goodbye to Marc ("the ripper") and Matt ("Monkey Boy") who head back to Ottawa after some tremendous work, so long Patricia and Bill who are heading on with the rest of their vacation, thanks to the mums and dads (Jesse, Peter and Judy) welcome to RJ who just got here from Montreal and big big thanks to "Cousin Joe" (aka Joey Pockets) who's been here for two weeks and is sticking around til Labour Day weekend.
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Tuesday, August 7, 2007

August 3rd - 6th

here are just a few of the photos we took this long weekend. There are more in the powertower & foundations photo albums. Major accomplishments: (1) the arrival (& cleaning!) of the "new" stove. Nothing like cooking for a crew of 12 on a stove you've never used before! (2) the completion of the tent platform in the woods (3) great progress on the power tower including plywood on the roof (4) more forms for the foundations proceeding at a feverish pace.

Our big huge thanks to...
Doug and Rohini (the form crew) Grady and Christa for the tent platform & the great banjo playing, Bill who left beautiful Hawaii to come to the aide of his brother and sister-in-law, Patricia & Jesse (my mom) who gave me a much appreciated break from the kitchen, Sean who just couldn't quit, Maddy who showed no fear of heights and Mike who swings a hammer pretty good for a lawyer type. And thanks also to Jasper for being such a mellow dog.

All in all another great weekend, despite the discovery of what may or may not be cougar poop on the road up to the building site. The deer don't seem too concerned though.

In the upcoming weeks Kevin's brothers & folks are coming as well as our youngest crew member, nephew Lewis. Give us a call if you want to join the fun!

a blog about 1 cabin and 7 ideas

local / logical / lots of uses / long lasting / low impact / low cost /loveable

Big thanks to everyone!

Help Gambier Island

Gambier Island is facing numerous environmental threats at the moment when we are seeing a rebirth of wildlife. Wolves, whales, owls and more, all around us we see evidence of an eco-system on the rebound. But that resurgence is threatened by plans to allow clear-cutting, develop LNG plants, sink warships.