I was thinking today about the role of chance, luck and craigslist in the building of our cabin, I like the fact that we've been guided not only by the 7L ideas but also by chance and opportunity. Although there are days when I wish we could make a decision without thinking about budgets, there are many more days when I happily search Craigslist and elsewhere for good deals and pleasant surprises. I thought I'd list some of them here:
- Toilet+ sink currently in 'toilet shack' (free)
- Marmoleum for guest cabin
- stainless steel sink + counter combo
- counter for kitchen tent (free)
- French doors
- Stove
- Low-flow toilet for cabin (free b/c no tank lid)
- Chainsaw Mill
ReStore in Bellingham
- Fir windows
- Power tower metal doors (only $6!)
Free from neighbours and friends
- Posts and beams from trees off a neighbours lot
- Power tower roof
- Power tower doors and windows
- Tool shed
- Flooring for kitchen shack
- Corplast for top power tower windows
- 8 foot high sliding glass doors for guest cabin (Jacks Used Building Supply)
- Sink for kitchen tent (St Pauls thrift store)