Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The looking back on the posts post

I recently found this piece of paper lying around the cabin. It's a record I made of a milling session when Kevin was cutting the logs into posts. This documents the amount of time (2 hours) it took to mill 3/4's of one post for the foundation.

Here are some more photos from that fun but exhausting time when we were milling and building the foundation.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Late October

The weather was perfect, the food was great and the card playing highly competive! A great weekend all around.
Terrible picture but great food: sitting down to a dinner of BBQ chicken, ribs and potato salad.
Curious fur-filled poop discovered on the upper road. Cougar?

What is this amazing monolith? Could it be the very first post in the new railing system? 

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

This is Kevin taking a shadow selfy and enjoying a Thanskgivng sunrise. We had so much to be thankful for this year: good food! amazing weather! roof! walls! wood stove! long extension cords that bring power from the power tower! cute dog! cute partner! and last but not least the 70 PEOPLE WHO HAVE HELPED US OVER THE YEARS!

many thanks to:
jesse patrica billg dale coe pere deedee marc matt janice alex don lewis willy molly jose sara pancho pat winram the Swiss family of three whose names we can't remember! cath naomi maddy jordana terry+2 sonia chris nitin brad alpha blake shawn sean louise nessa miles suzanne doug rohini jodi bill mike john kevin n grady christa kevin l annie simon jerome eric rick courtney eric jan rich rj miss kim derek yael birgitte lora drew waylon / frances / kristen

a blog about 1 cabin and 7 ideas

local / logical / lots of uses / long lasting / low impact / low cost /loveable

Big thanks to everyone!

Help Gambier Island

Gambier Island is facing numerous environmental threats at the moment when we are seeing a rebirth of wildlife. Wolves, whales, owls and more, all around us we see evidence of an eco-system on the rebound. But that resurgence is threatened by plans to allow clear-cutting, develop LNG plants, sink warships.