Here's someone (Kevin?) taking a little break on the top of the mule, which has also been working as the scaffolding for the power tower. New pix have been added to the powertower album & you can see lots of pictures of the beginning of the foundations in the photos.
This weekends heros:
Sean who brought the powertower to new heights, Doug who came out for the day to kick ass on the footings, Kevin N who was a sawing machine, my homegirl Patricia who came all the way from hawait to free me from the kitchen & her honey Bill who hauled concrete, Miles, our levelfetcher & mule driver, our friend Cath who first introduced us to Gambier and sent us up a yummy care package of spaghetti and cookies and last but not least, Bonnie & Andrew who've been our bargain hunters and grocery shoppers in the city.
Wildlife report: deers (check out sean's great pic in the album for this weekend) eagle, vulture, garter snake, hummingbirds, ravens, seals. Thankfully no sign of either the cougar or the bear which have been spotted in the area.
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